Monday 2 January 2012

The Beautiful Book

OK, I admit it. I like things that look good.

Like the 'smoking a pipe (if I smoked that is) with glass of port/sitting comfortably in a deep green wingback Chesterfield chair/wood-panelling surrounding the room' good. See Chesterfield chair in the blog title for inspiration.

Like beautiful photography. Take a look at this site of a friend of mine and you'll get what I mean.

If you take the trouble to make something look beautiful and pleasing to the eye, whatever it may be, you will definitely have my attention.

And when it comes to books, it's no different. You could give me the best book ever written to read, but if it's in Times New Roman font with cheap paper in a glued paperback form, I will either not read it or begrudge every second of the reading task.

I guess to some, expressing this quirk may seem trite. Maybe you're right, maybe it is a silly thing. I can't explain my bent towards the beautiful. I simply find it very hard to sit down and read a slab of words without some kind of aesthetic relief to get me through it.

In 2011 I bought a new Bible and I'd like to show you it as an example of something I have found pleasing to the eye.

I love the Bible. God speaks through it. I am enjoying my new Bible for this reason, but it helps that it's beautifully presented too.

    Provide beautiful presentation and you have my attention. Confessions of an aesthetic diehard.

PS: It's the NIV (2011) Study Bible in 'personal' size.


  1. Know that you impacted one Michael Winkler profoundly. While in more ways than this, he wants a Chesterfield too.

    On a different note - the most challenging Christian book of 2011/2012 for me is 'Respectable Sins' by Jerry Bridges.

  2. Jess - don't know if I've influenced Michael positively on this point! Oh well...

    Hey, if/when you read the Jerry Bridges book, interested in writing a review? I'll put it on the blog.

  3. Sounds good AP - I realised last night I started taking notes about the book in April '11 and haven't finished it yet, but I'm back on board! I found it to be so challenging in a really good way.
