Saturday 7 January 2012

Books Found By Reading Other Books

Not the catchiest title ever, but...if I really like a book I'm reading, I will be on the lookout for any books the author refers to while I'm turning the pages.

For example, in the All of Grace book reviewed in the previous post, the author said that his favourite book was this 1937 French novel (translated into English in 1951):

It's the story of a young Catholic priest who is not accepted in his new parish and pushes through his many hardships under God.

I read a couple of blogs fairly regularly. One I read every day is Justin Taylor's. One of Justin's posts recommended a novel called Gilead, by Marilynne Robinson.

Published in 2004, this novel won the Pulitzer Prize, a remarkable achievement. It's the fictional autobiography of the Reverend John Ames who, knowing he will soon die, wants to leave his seven year-old grandson with the story of his life and times.

Yes, you can see a theme in these books - pastors' stories! Well, it is my list after all!  

Another blog I read sometimes referred to a book on finding your strengths called Strengths Finder 2.0, by John Rath.

It's not a 'Christian' book as such, but hey - it's good to know what you excel at isn't it. My wife and I want to read through this together.

Finally, my wife was told about this book below, called One Thousand Gifts, by Ann Voskamp. It won an Award of Merit in the Christianity Today book awards for 2012.  

The gist of the book is to remind of the importance of thanking God for the everyday, not just the big events of our lives.

So there's a snapshot of some future reads.

Incidentally, I won't be posting on this blog on Sundays, so you'll see the next post on Monday sometime.

God bless and read well.  

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