Thursday 5 January 2012

Ethical Issues for Christians: Some Introductory Reads

In the first quarter of 2012 I'm preaching through ethical issues that Christians face in our day to day lives. Sometimes we can find ourselves rowing against the stream of popular opinion. Some things we'll address at church include the environment, homosexuality and marriage, relationships, the power of words, and others.  

As well as reading through the every day papers and reflecting on popular opinion on different issues, reading the bible and praying, and panicking (I joke, although I feel the weight of presenting such a series), I've got some reads to start me off below:

The title speaks for itself. Andrew Cameron's underlying key to dealing with today's issues is 'finding our best humanity in the Lord Jesus' as 'He joins up messy lives'.

This is another accessible read with a similar goal to Andrew Cameron's, written by one of Cameron's teachers.

  This academic work is an evangelical response to homosexuality. It gives interpretation of biblical passages, thoughtful investigation of the various explanations of homosexuality (eg the 'in the genes' explanation and various environmental and family theories), church teaching, a Christian sex ethic, and how the Christian community can behave in a way that is welcoming but not affirming.

This is a very readable book which investigates society's current attitudes towards sex and relationships. It's very brief but full of statistics and intelligent Christian discussion.