Wednesday 4 January 2012

Nifties: Sinclair Ferguson

There's nothing worse than hearing a sermon that has no pastoral heart. I should know, having unfortunately given such sermons at points over the years!

This is the same for Christian books. There are different books for different purposes, to be sure. You'll find academic monographs on a specific theological/exegetical subject, technical bible commentaries and dense theological works. These are all important.

My default is to find books to read that have a pastoral heart to them. In other words, they give you information to foster godly Christian living and thinking in you. They apply God's word into your life, ask questions of your lifestyle choices and push you to think biblically.

Last year I enjoyed reading books by Sinclair Ferguson. I mentioned one of his books a few posts ago. Someone said to me once that if you have an author who teaches the bible well (having asked people such as your pastor and/or your Christian mentors) and you click with their writing style, stick with them! Make them your teacher.

One of those folk for me is Sinclair Ferguson. I read through his popular commentaries when I prepare sermon series. They are intelligent, very readable, full of pastoral application and wise. They're also cheap!

Ferguson doesn't just write commentaries. I've just bought the book below and am really looking forward to reading it:

I'll post about it after reading it.

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