Tuesday 3 January 2012

Book Review: The Grace of Repentance

As a pastor I'm always on the lookout for little books to give away if and when the time comes. Having said that, 2011 wasn't a big book giving year. Anyway...

This book was added to my 'potential book giving' list in 2011. It's a small book, in size about as big as my hand, and 61 pages long. 

And yes - it is about the grace of repentance in the life of a believer. The big idea of the book can really be summarized in a quote the author gives from Martin Luther:

When our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, said "repent", he meant that the entire life of believers should be one of repentance. (p13)

Sharing this quote at the beginning of the book, Sinclair Ferguson then devotes a very helpful chapter to the biblical bases for a lifetime of repentance and what the elements of repentance look like in a believer's life. Essentially his point is that believers, saved by the grace of God in Christ, are now to be 'dying to the old ways, crucifying the flesh' (p25). 

He gives a case study of King David in outlining the effects of sin:

David had discovered the truth about himself. His soul was like an onion, with layer upon layer of self deception and pretence keeping him from recognizing his true spiritual condition. (p29)

After a brief survey of historical interpretation of these biblical passages on sin, the book's final chapter ends (as it should!) with the Christian hope, although there is also a sting in the tail with a challenge to believers and churches to take God's word seriously and turn to God. Make a habit of repentance! 

Incidentally, I've called books like this one 'nifties' in our journal. 'Nifties' here are brief, useful books that promote kingdom living in a readable, accessible way. You'll see 'nifties' posts every now and then to alert you to these resources!

I had thought this book would be useful to give to someone who you've spoken to who is stuck in a rut in their Christian life, doesn't know why (after you've eliminated other possibilities such as depression, physical illness or some outside influence out of their control). Give it to them to read and say you'll shout them a coffee to discuss it together later!



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